On Monday, 2002-10-14 at 13:26:19 +0200, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 11:50:09AM +0400, Oleg Bartunov wrote:
> > On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Dave Rolsky wrote:

> > Dave, just interesting. What does "ginsu knives" means :?

> If you haven't had prolonged exposure to US TV you can't understand this
> reference. My memory is quite vague about it but I think they used to
> throw in a set of free ginsu knives (think sushi) for people who would
> buy some crap on the TV shopping program. 

We have this kind of TV ads on German TV now, too. Badly dubbed. So
badly it's getting worth watching if you have a cheap sense of humor ...
I sometimes make a mistake channel hopping and land on such a channel.
Immediate cringes and the inability to use the remote control are the
consequence. So I have to watch the stuff until I'm recovered. No free
knives as far as I can tell, though. They could try it, Sushi is very
much En Vogue here.

Lupe Christoph
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |           http://www.lupe-christoph.de/ |
| Big Misunderstandings #6398: The Titanic was not supposed to be        |
| unsinkable. The designer had a speech impediment. He said: "I have     |
| thith great unthinkable conthept ..."                                  |

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