I have no choice about the win thing.  I'd feel much happier using linux and mod_perl 1.x as you suggest.   

I'm terribly frightened about only having 2 weeks of uptime - that's what the prayings for :) But I'm putting my faith in this very new software and the wonderful people who have been cultivating and supporting it.

I wrecked that bike on my home from the university some years ago... It was my first and last motorcycle.

Thanks for the feedback,

 Ged Haywood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there,

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Paul Simon wrote:

> I'm currently running a pilot app under win2000 + apache 2.0.42 + perl5.8 + mod_perl.

> Is there anything here that spells trouble?

That win...thing?

Seriously though, you're using very new software. If you want real
stability I'd suggest Linux and versions 1.x of mod_perl and Apache
might be a shade more reliable at present. But if you are happy with
a couple of weeks of uptime (I like to measure it in years...:) then
you should be fine with what you're using.


PS: Which bike got wrecked?

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