Perron Harkins Wrote:

> No, if they never use the database they will never create a connection
(unless you use connect_on_init).

Thankyou! We are using connect_on_init, so this may explain our problem.
What happens if I turn off connect_on_init? Do I need to change our code in
any way? Or will the connection be made automatically?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Perrin Harkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "John Cameron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: Do all apache childs create persistant mysql connections?

> John Cameron wrote:
> > 2) Does Apache create a new mysql connection/process for EVERY child
> > apache process that is spawned?
> It creates one in each process that uses the database.
> > I assume some apache processes are spawned to handle simple
> > non-database actions such as retrieving a graphic or static html file.
> > Because we're using Apache::DBI, does this mean that even these little
> > processes are creating a big mysql process?
> No, if they never use the database they will never create a connection
> (unless you use connect_on_init).  Of course you have no way of keeping
> the static file requests to a single process, so it's likely that each
> process is serving some static files and some dynamic requests that
> require database handles.
> >  This is bringing us to our knees. Any help or comments, no matter how
> > obscure, would be greatly appriciated!
> Use a reverse proxy as described in the mod_perl documentation to keep
> static requests from tying up database connections.  Use the MaxClients
> setting to liit the total number of apache children, and thus the total
> number of MySQL connections.  Make sure you are always using the exact
> same connection info, or you could be opening multiple database
> connections per child.
> - Perrin

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