Hi - I am wondering if there is a bug in AuthCookieDBI.pm?

There is function group which is called to verify the user's group when there is a 
"Require group" directive. It starts like this:

sub group($$\@)
        my( $self, $r, @groups ) = @_;

When more than one group is specified in the Require group directive, eg. "Require 
group group1 group2 group3", I would expect @groups to be an array with 3 elements, 
one for each of group1, group2, and group3. 

But what I get is a single string (or an array with one element depending on how you 
look at it) which has the entire groups string from the directive, e.g. "group1 group2 

For now my workaround is to just split the string.

But shouldn't it either already be split, or be passed in as a string, not a list?


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