Yes, I was using the stock RH perl.  I did try
recompiling 5.8.0 with debugging support, as you
suggested, with no luck.  I then tried recompiling
other versions of perl (like 5.8.0 RC2, RC1, 5.7.3),
with and without debugging support, also with no luck.

Finally, I just grabbed a 5.6.1 (since this all worked
on my other systems with 5.6.1) and put that on there.
 I compiled without debugging support (and just used
almost all the defaults), recompiled mod_perl and
Apache, and that seems to have done the trick.

I still don't know what the problem is, whether it's
with perl, Apache::DB, RH, me, my cat...  Anyway, I'll
have to use this workaround until I have more free

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions!


--- William McKee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 24 Oct 2002 at 23:35, John Siracusa wrote:
> > I got a similar error a while back when I tried it
> with the same versions
> > of Perl, mod_perl, and apache (but on Mac OS X). 
> I googled a while and all
> > I could come up with were some posts from
> internals hackers about perl data
> > structures getting mysteriously hosed for some
> unknown reason with this
> > collection of versions.  I still haven't found a
> solution...
> I think someone recently mentioned on this list that
> you may need a Perl 
> with debugging compiled into it. Kip, are you using
> the stock Redhat Perl? 
> Maybe you should try recompiling with debugging
> enabled. That means you'll 
> need to recompile mod_perl as well. For my part, I
> haven't had a problem 
> with the Debian 3.0 or FreeBSD perl binaries.

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