Mitchel, Jennifer (Jem) wrote:
> Steve,
> I have no objection to replying to the mod_perl list. I have no idea what is wrong & I
> am so new at all of this that the more people who might have an idea the better.
> I am running Apache 1.3.22 and mod_perl 1.21 on a Sun Solaris 2.6 machine. I'm sure
> Apache and mod_perl are running as I can successfully grab that out of
> $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE}. I'm using perl 5.005_03.
> I am trying use a .htaccess file to allow NT Authenitcation on a directory. However, I
> am getting a server error
>> Syntax error on line 6 of /web/content/askLucent/password-reset/.htaccess: Invalid
>> command 'PerlAuthenHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included
>> in the server configuration

that's an Apache error saying that the config directive 'PerlAuthenHandler' isn't recognized by anyone. this generally means that mod_perl isn't installed or that you didn't build with EVERYTHING=1, both of which you say you did.

so... you showed us that mod_perl is installed, but not how it was built. why don't you verify that you have the right hook by setting up /perl-status and taking a peek around. see the Apache::Status manpage or recipe 1.14 in the cookbook:

you will want to check /perl-status?hooks and make sure that PerlAuthenHandler is marked as enabled. of course, you'll need to comment out the offending line in your httpd.conf first :)

if PerlAuthenHandler comes back as enabled but you still get that error after restoring your original configuration, let us know and we'll try something else.



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