Mithun Bhattacharya wrote:

No it is not being removed but this could have been a very big thing
for mod_perl. Can someone find out more details as to why PHP was
preferred over mod_perl it cant be just on a whim.

Think about what they are using it for. Yahoo is the most extreme example of a performance-driven situation. They have so much volume that they are willing to write things in C++ just to get the speed that is required. They pre-process and cache things as much as they possibly can. The server-side scripting language they use is basically a glorified include processor. They pull in pre-built include files and read things out of dbms with it. That's all. The real application stuff is built in other languages. (At least this is the impression I get from the paper and from talking to people there.)

Given that, PHP is a reasonable fit. It's fast, has a less flexible syntax, and uses less memory than mod_perl. They also have more of a need than most people to integrate with C/C++, and I've been told that it's easier to hack those into PHP.

Think about the implications of the memory graph. If they can run 5 more apache children at once on PHP because of its lower memory consumption, 5 * 4500 = 22500 more users they can handle at any given moment!

Also how does one go about justifying the fact that Ioncube cache is
doing a better cacheing than any mod_perl based solution ??

Sorry, I read that wrong. It was actually mod_perl that had the best performance. The cache they use works just the same as Perl's normal operation, i.e. once some code is compiled it stays in memory and doesn't need to be compiled again. You don't have to do anything to get that in Perl.

- Perrin

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