I'm struggling to get anything much working with mod_perl 2.

I have installed mod_perl 1.99_07 with Apache 2.0.43. I have read all of
the documentation on perl.apache.org.

I can get a basic page returned to me with a modperl handler, but as
soon as I try to do anything of note (eg Apache->push_handlers() (or
should that be Apache2->push_handlers()? - neither works), get query
string parameters, etc) I run into a brick wall.

I'm starting on a new project which I'd like to launch (phase 1) in the
next 3 months - am I being too ambitious in trying to use modperl 2
already? Is it just too damn early?

If these things should be working, where can I find out how to use them?
I've scoured the source files without much success (most modules are XS
wrappers - and my C is non-existent).




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