Richard Clarke wrote:
    Tired of having 10 modules all with near identical handler methods I
decided to put the handler method into a superclass and be done with
maintaining the same code 10 times. I first tried this a couple of weeks ago
and it failed to work, because at the time I couldn't find the reference to
OO style handler methods in my Eagle book. Since the mod_perl cookbook is
now available on safari I had a quick flick through and noticed a brief
mention on OO style handler methods along with the snippet of info I needed
i.e. sub handler ($$).
as you've probably discovered, you're using a feature called 'method handlers' and you should be able to find examples in the eagle book as well.

keep in mind that neither book mentions the use of subroutine attributes, which is allowed in 1.3 but the only way in 2.0

sub handler : method {


I use a "dispatch" module with a basic handler to choose which module will
process a particular uri.
It now adds the module to be called like follows,
    my $sub = join '::', 'Control', ucfirst $module, ucfirst $sub_stage;
even though you figured it out already, you might want to check out how Apache::Dispatch does it - there are some security concerns that have been addressed there that you might be interested in.

BTW, for anyone going to ApacheCon this month, I'll be giving a 2 hour presentation on OO mod_perl techniques.

the actual contents differ a bit from the outline - if you were at YAPC::NA it's pretty much the same as the middle part of that talk. basically, the first 25% is about standard OO like sub handler ($$), while the rest shows how to do augment core mod_perl via some really cool subclassing.

cya there


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