On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 12:45:52PM -0500, John Siracusa wrote:
> Assume I have a front-end (non-mod_perl) proxy server that supports both
> HTTP and HTTPS.  I want to know, from within my Perl code on the back-end
> (HTTP-only) mod_perl server, if the current request was ProxyPass-ed to me
> based on an original HTTP or HTTPS request from the user.
> There doesn't appear to be a way to add headers to the proxy request on a
> per-virtual-host basis using mod_proxy, and I don't see any other headers
> that I can use to distinguish between an HTTP or HTTPS front-end server.
> Any ideas?

If you can proxy-pass HTTP and HTTPS requests to different ports on the
backend server, you just need to check which port the backend is listening
on to tell if the request came through SSL or not.



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