Randy Kobes wrote:

On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Robert Kohler wrote:

I am having difficulty getting Apache 2.0.43, perl 5.6.1, and mod_perl 1.99_07
to work together.

Trying to authenticate users based on a MySQL table.

All compiles and installs.

I installed Apache-DBI-0.89 perl module.

In configuring, I keep getting "Seg faults". Can someone let me know if I am even setting up the config file correctly for Apache. Seems I have searched all the archives, and keep getting conflicting information...

Are you using the latest versions of DBI and DBD::mysql? If
not, does this still happen with the latest versions?

DBI 1.21
DBD::mysql 2.0.11

Note the most current, but I can't modify this as it is in production currently. I can try testing
on a completely different system if need be.

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