I'm running into a problem with some characters being added during a
mod_perl request.  An  charater is getting added when i print the
document  STDOUT.  When i print that exact same variable to STDERR the Â
is not added.  Here are two hex dumps (via od -hc).  The first is what
is sent to the web browser, and the 2nd is what is sent to stderr.  The
issue is coming in with the hex92 and hex96 characters.

This sounds like some encoding issue UTF8/ISO-8859-1??  I can't make
heads or tails of it.  Any ideas?

Here is a dump (od -hc) of the document that is getting sent to the web

0002740 6967 3d6e 3e32 6863 7261 6361 6574 c272
          g   i   n   =   2   >   c   h   a   r   a   c   t   e   r   Â
0002760 7392 7720 7469 2068 96c2 6520 6576 686e
        222   s       w   i   t   h       Â 226       e   v   e   n   h

And here is a partial dump of the exact same variable being sent to
0002520 3130 302c 640a 636f 3343 635b 6168 6172
          0   1   ,   0  \n   d   o   c   C   3   [   c   h   a   r   a
0002540 7463 7265 7392 7720 7469 2068 2096 7665
          c   t   e   r 222   s       w   i   t   h     226       e   v

Notice that when the variable is sent to STDOUT, "r   Â   222" is
getting printed, and when the variable is sent to STDERR " r 222 " is
getting sent.  I get the added character with IE, Netscape, telnet
localhost 80 and wget.  So i don't think it with the browser.

And here are the exact two lines in my handler that are printing this

      print STDERR "docC3[$docContents]\n";
      print $docContents;

I'm using perl 5.8.0, Apache/1.3.26 and mod_perl/1.27


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