On Tuesday, November 26, 2002, at 05:24  PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:

Ken Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


I got through "./configure -> make -> make install"
successfully, installing to /usr/local/lib/ and
/usr/local/include/.  However, there doesn't seem to be a
"ldconfig" on my system ('locate' couldn't find one anywhere,
and I checked manually in /sbin/ and /usr/sbin/).
According to


OS X doesn't have/need an "ldconfig" binary (I'll update the web page).

Try running the BUILD.sh script first.  It'll rebuild the libtool/
autoconf/automake utilities by using to your machine's version,
instead of the ones I included in the tarball (which are based on
my linux box).  You might try running that first, and then doing
the "./configure -> make -> make install" mojo before building
the perl tests.
Promising, but several errors ensue:

[pe-242:~/Downloads/perl/httpd-apreq] ken% ./BUILD.sh
./BUILD.sh: command not found: libtoolize [4]
./BUILD.sh: command not found: aclocal [5]
FATAL ERROR: Autoconf version 2.52 or higher is required for this script
./BUILD.sh: command not found: automake [7]
[pe-242:~/Downloads/perl/httpd-apreq] ken% which autoconf
[pe-242:~/Downloads/perl/httpd-apreq] ken% autoconf --version
Autoconf version 2.13

Is it possible to backport the process to older autoconfs, or are new features required?


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