Jim Martinez wrote:
Full of ideas from apachecon and Vegas (cha ching!), I wonder when mod
perl 1.99 will become 2.0.  Any guesses?
Somewhere next year?

Though some people are already using it in production. It all depends what functionality is needed, since the core is pretty much done, but there are many angles to polish.

Of course since you are talking about the ideas from apachecon, you must be talking about the new features 2.0 provides. Both filters and protocols handlers work and they will probably require some extra tuning as more people start using them.

2.0 does need early adopters, who are willing to try things and be patient to report problems and help workout the solutions. 2.0 needs a lot of real world testing before it will released, something that no test suite can replace.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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