At 29 Nov 2002 02:17:31 -0500,
Joe Schaefer wrote:
 > > It seems that Apache's ap_unescape_url() can't handle %uXXXX style
> > URI-escaped Unicode string, hence Apache::Request cannot neighther,
> > while can.

my WinIE 5.5 / WinIE 6.0 uses this style of URI escaping when you use
javascript to submit page's content. (Well, I'm talking about
MovableType's bookmarklet, if you're interested)
> seems to indicate that this isn't a recommended practice. OTOH, IIRC the 
> apache source claims to support utf8 extension(s) of www-urlencoded
> ASCII, so if people really are using such encodings, supporting 
> "%uXXXX" in ap_unescape_url shouldn't hurt server performance at all.
> In any case, putting together a patch of ap_unescape_url along the lines 
> of CGI::Util's utf8_chr() can't hurt :-).

Yep ;-)

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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