So, I'm using mod_perl as installed via RPMS on RedHat 8.0, and can't
believe that an hour of hunting hasn't netted an answer to this
apparently simple problem.  Perl scripts seem not to have "." set to
~user/public_html, as use() and require() fail on files which are in the
same directory as the CGI script.  What have I missed?  The error
message states that "." is in @INC.

To be specific, I've enabled mod_perl for ~user's files like this:

<Directory /home/user/public_html>
        Options +Includes +ExecCGI
        AddHandler perl-script .pl
        PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry::handler
        PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

Stephen Walton, Professor, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Cal State

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