I have a completely mod_perl handler-based web app set up as so:

<Location ~ ^/myapp>
    PerlHandler         Client::WWW
    SetHandler          perl-script
    PerlSetVar          ConfigFile /home/ajm6q/myapp/data/www-config

The Client::WWW handler decides what to do based on the path_info of the
URI (passing off responsibility in a ChainOfResponsibility pattern):

http://www.mysite.com/myapp -> home
                     /myapp/newuser -> new user functionality
                     /myapp/deluser -> delete user functionliaty

And so on.  What I'm having difficulty grasping is how to best handle
image, js, css or other "static" resource requests that fall under the
^/myapp Location ... Client::WWW is currently trying to handle

To further complicate issues, the ConfigFile contains information about
where various resources reside (perhaps /home/ajm6q/myapp/data/images for
example).  These are not under the server's DocumentRoot.

I think my options are:

1. Reset the DocumentRoot in each <Location> to point to
/home/ajm6q/myapp/data/, and have Client::WWW return DECLINED if the
request is for a static resource, so that the request will drop back to
Apache ... not sure this would even work, and makes the config file
a tad worthless.

2. Install a translation handler that sets the filename of the request
appropriately; not sure if this would prevent Client::WWW from handling
the request, but would allow a DECLINED drop back to Apache to work
without mucking with DocumentRoot ... I think.

3. Have Client::WWW do a subrequest (via lookup_file), and run that

4. ???

TIMTOWTDI is getting me down right about now.

Thanks for your advice,


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