**Hi again. I just noticed my last post regarding this was html formatted,
so I'm going to try again. Sorry about that everybody! **

I'm having some trouble configuring an input filter.. I'm using Apache
2.0.43, mod_perl 1.99_08-dev and perl 5.8.0.

In httpd.conf, I just did this inside a <VirtualHost>

    PerlInputFilterHandler myApache::Filters::filter_in

My code looks something like this:

package myApache::Filters;
#here I loaded different modules etc..
sub filter_in : FilterConnectionHandler{
    my ($filter, $bb, $mode, $block, $readbytes) = @_

    my $rv =$filter->next->get_brigade($bb, $mode, $block, $readbytes);
    return $rv unless $rv = APR::SUCCESS;

    print STDERR "INPUT FILTER\n";
    my $c = $filter->c

    return Apache::OK;

This is pretty much just taken from the mod_perl filter documenation, so I'm
pretty sure the code is OK.

My problem is this:

>From the time I hit refresh in my browser to the time the content appears
takes a very long time. The request
completes eventually, it just takes forever. As soon as I take the filter
handler out of httpd.conf it works perfectly

Is this a configuration issue? Anyone have any ideas as to why this happens?

Thanks a lot


P.S Thanks for bearing with me through my posting debacles

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