I have a bizarre problem and I've run out of ideas ...

Here's the gist ... when I run some code which looks like ...

my result = `/usr/local/bin/matlab < input_file.m`;

... from a perl CGI, then matlab (a commercial math package) segfaults. However, when I run it from mod_perl on the same server it runs fine (it runs fine from the command line, btw).

My web server is running as 'nobody'. I've also run the script as 'nobody' from the command line and wiped out %ENV before executing the above code ... works fine. Call the exact same script as a CGI and ... BOOM.

It can't be a permissions problem, right? If so, mod_perl would also have trouble?

Any clues? I'm out of ideas ...

For anyone who may have Matlab available, btw, this is only with Matlab 6. Matlab 5 (which we no longer have a license for) works just fine.

Ray Zimmerman / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
Sr Research / phone: (607) 255-9645 / Cornell University
Associate / FAX: (815) 377-3932 / Ithaca, NY 14853

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