Hi there,

I am new to this list and new to mod_perl in general, so I hope the more
experienced folks will be able to help me. :)

We are starting to test our perl code running under mod_perl. We did go
through the porting guide and did everything that was receommended.

I am interested in how people setup their Apache 1.3.x servers to run
mod_perl'able code. Not, how to get mod_perl to run something, we do that
with rewrite rules. I am more interested in config settings that control for
performance and stability.

I am also very concerned about testing. How do you test a mod_perl system to
make sure there is no memory corruption from one instance of an app to
another. I have thought about setting MaxServers to 1 and MaxClients to 1,
to force the same compiled perl code to be reused, but I am not sure that is
agood test.

Is there any documentation on testing a mod_perl app? I have yet to find

Again, I appreciate the help and I hope to become an active member of this



IT Director/System Admin
Globalware Solutions
Redwood City, CA.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ged Haywood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jim Morrison [Mailinglists]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 6:37 AM
Subject: Re: [OT] MLDBM Size Limit??

> Hi there,
> On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Jim Morrison [Mailinglists] wrote:
> > Sorry this is a little off topic...  Is there a size limit on DBM's? (Or
> > Linux files for that matter.. )
> [snip]
> > Thing is I'm getting a "write error" and it seems to always happen when
> > the DBM gets to 2.0Gb ..
> [snip]
> >  Linux hope 2.4.7-10 #1 Thu Sep 6 16:46:36 EDT 2001 i686 unknown
> I only have gdbm, which doesn't have at least some of the dbm
> so I don't know about dbm files.  There are some cautions about dbm files
> in the mod_perl Guide.
> For Linux files it depends on the filesystem you're using and how it was
> initialized.  For example I use ext2 (most will), and in my copy of the
> documentation (it's for 2.4.19) it gives a list of file and filesystem
> sizes for different block sizes.  (I won't post the whole thing as it's
> over 17kBytes:).
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Filesystem block size:     1kB        2kB        4kB        8kB
> File size limit:          16GB      256GB     2048GB     2048GB
> Filesystem size limit:  2047GB     8192GB    16384GB    32768GB
> There is a 2.4 kernel limit of 2048GB for a single block device, so no
> filesystem larger than that can be created at this time.  There is also
> an upper limit on the block size imposed by the page size of the kernel,
> so 8kB blocks are only allowed on Alpha systems (and other architectures
> which support larger pages).
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Check out linux-2.4.7/Documentation/filesystems/ext2.txt or whatever
> you have on your system.  You might want to consider using gdbm, your
> data could then be "as large as you want" according to the manpage...
> 73,
> Ged.

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