Um, can someone provide a link as to what libgtop is
supposed to do? Is it just a graphical /usr/local/bin/top?

I can't believe I didn't know about gkrellm until recently,
which will cover all the rest of your system monitoring 
desires (mine monitors my wireless link strenght, for instance)

According to the FAQ...


To pronounce GKrellM say the "G" then "krellm" as in bell.
The name stands for (with a little flexibility, take your pick): 

GNU (or Gtk) Krell Monitors (or Meters). 

If you have seen the movie Forbidden Planet, you might recall
the Krell had a room with wall to wall meters for monitoring
their power systems, and that is what I was thinking of when
I came up with the GKrellM name. 


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