Hello again,

On Sat, 8 Feb 2003, Vicki Brown wrote:

> At 09:27 +0000 2003-02-08, Ged Haywood wrote:
> >It's not clear to me what you did BEFORE these steps, and that's
> >important.
> It's very clear, actually, since I did nothing before these steps :)

Then please ask of the person who logged on and started the shell
what was the working directory when he left the building?

> this time the installation somehow made everything owned by root.

How inconsiderate of it...

Incidentally, at 09:27 +0000 2003-02-08, Ged Haywood *also* wrote:

> > I'd suggest you delete everything you've done thus far, then
> > create a new sub-directory in your home directory, e.g.
> > 
> > $ cd ~
> > $ mkdir /home/vicki/apache_mod_perl_test
> > 
> > and in it put two directories
> > 
> > $ /home/vicki/apache_mod_perl_test/apache_1.3.27
> > $ /home/vicki/apache_mod_perl_test/mod_perl-1.27
> > 
> > by grabbing the sources from some mirror somewhere and extracting them

And so you

> chown -R

Hmmm.  Are you by any chance female?  :)

Please don't mess about with file ownerships, groups, permissions and
things if you aren't sure of what you're doing.  That's dangerous in a
Webserver and besides you can get in a real mess with the installation.

> Then I ran make in the mod_perl directory and this time "make test" says
>      ../apache_1.3.27/src/httpd: not found
> What am _I_ missing?

The compilation of the Apache binary, I guess.  That is what runs
(eventually) when you give the command to start the Webserver.  You
usually give the command to a script called 'apachectl', but that's
not necessarily the case.

The Apache binary is called 'httpd'.  Modules like mod_perl can be
added to it, to make it do funky stuff.  There are two ways to add a
module to Apache.  Er, more or less.  One way is to compile it into
the Apache binary (that's called 'static') and the other isn't.
That's called 'DSO' or 'Dynamic' or something even more impressive.

The former method gives you a kind of self-contained binary which
contains the module, the latter gives you a loadable object which the
httpd binary has to load from someplace.  It's told to load the module
(and where the module is:) by instructions in the configuration files.
You're trying to do the latter.  I'd recommend you don't do it that
way but there we are.

If you make mod_perl as a DSO, then you might be expected to have an
Apache all ready and waiting to load it.  If you make it static, then
you'll get one.  So if you make mod_perl as a DSO and you *don't* have
an Apache to load it then you have to make one.  So pop over to the
Apache directory (wherever it is:) and type 'make'.  Then go back to
the mod_perl directory and try 'make test' again.  If that doesn't
work you can always try my earlier suggestion.  Always works for me.

Here in France, it's ten to one in the morning so I'm going to bed.

Bon chance.


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