[not really modperl-specific...]
I have a Win32 based modperl2 app, where apache needs to run impersonating a
domain user (this is because 
it needs to access a network share, something LocalSystem cannot do - if
anybody has a better solution I
would like to know about it).

Anyway, it turns out that - on a given installation which uses both standard
domain users *AND* Active Directory users - I get a syntax error:

use Bar qw($foo);

if($foo) {
Global symbol "$foo" requires explicit package name at

Just after the start of the script.

This disappears if the user apache impersonates is given administrator
WTF??? (took me a couple of hours to nail this down). 
So I must assume that the "use" statement somehow failed, but I cannot
figure out

i) Why should it fail 


ii) How could it fail without the entire script failing at compile time.

Note that the package "Bar" lives under site/lib/ and I am use'ing a number
of other packages from there,
including - implicitely - the whole mp2 shebang... so I *think* apache has
read access to that directory,
or it should crash and burn much earlier...)

I do not like very much (understatement) the "admin permissions"
workaround.... ideas?


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