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Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 11:44:44 -0500
From: (Undisclosed)
Subject: A call against war

Friends of all ages,

Long ago, there was a time when one had no rights, had to organize his own
defense, and couldn't seek justice.
This was a time of *complete* freedom, but a time of such savagery that
one's attention was so focused on surviving that it couldn't be directed
in expressing this freedom towards the realization of higher possibilities.

In a slow process, higher minded historic leaders have emerged only to express
better ideals for human communities. George Washington was one of them.

In this context, Democracy can be seen has one, if not the best, solidification of 
this historical, long term process.

Refined over the ages, democracy means a commited tacit agreement between a population
and a representatif governing/ruling political body aimed at guaranteeing equal rights 
each one in exchange for individual freedom, and acting in the best interest of all. 

International democracy has been more difficult to establish, but 
exists today in the form of the UN diplomatic entity, binding all its
numerous members to identical rules, and according privileged ones to 
its wisest members.

When the democracy mission statement fails, the governing body has reached the
age where it has to be replaced.

Today, the government of The United States of America has engaged itself in a
personal adventure that does not reflect the general will, interests or needs of its

One american individual over two is said to be an opponent, while the other one is 
a friend which has not become an opponent yet.

Should the international diplomacy fail to awake President Bush junior and its 
people of great America has the constitutionnal power to stop it and denounce the 
democratic agreement.

Harness your freedom and your courage. In a conscious risen will to stop this course 
of madness, 
in tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, tens of millions, in peace and strong 
march for the peace to Washington DC, to the White House, to the Senate, to the 
to all surrounding administration buildings. March, America, in a global unified effort
to discharge the contravening governing body.

If you are an american resident, History is looking at you, as it is about your 
country, your democracy, and your responsibility.

Please feel free to copy and send to all of your friends.

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