On 27 Feb 2003 at 11:35, Gazi, Nasser (London) wrote:

A question about "mod_perl Developer's Cookbook" by Young, Lindner and

Is this book still relevant and worth buying for mod_perl2 ? (I'm about to
dive into web development using Apache/mod_perl and intend to go straight to

you can read our "official" statement on this at our website


the thing I'm finding about mod_perl 2.0 is that it exposes much more of the raw Apache API than mod_perl 1.0 did, so you really need to think more about what Apache is doing under the hood than you did before. in this sense, the Cookbook should help, since that's the attitude we were taking there all along - you'll understand mod_perl better if you understand Apache. whether you're talking about Apache 1.3 or 2.0, most of the underlying Apache fundamentals are the same (after all, it's still HTTP). however, the Cookbook does not have any mod_perl 2.0 specific examples. you'll have to go to the docs for that.


Thanks, NG

The underlying principles remain the same. And I happen to know that Geoff Young is writing some articles (for perl.com?) that highlight the differences between the two systems using examples from the Cookbook.

yes, you will probably see some mod_perl 2.0 stuff on perl.com over the next few months (perhaps just weeks), but covering all the differences will be a slow process (at best).


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