Hi -

I'm not much of a mod_perl scripter (yet), but having been
totally defeated my mod_rewrite, I am trying to use mod_perl
to push clients into using https when accessing a particular
server (I am using named-based virtual hosting).

I want to do something like this (the real one will be
more complicated - but this is a baby test):

-in httpd.conf-

PerlTransHandler +MyApache::ForceSecure


package MyApache::ForceSecure;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Apache::RequestRec ();
use Apache::Const -compile => qw(DECLINED);

sub handler 
  my $r = shift;
  my $url = $r->url;
  if ($url =~ m{^http://bcbk}i) {
    $url =~ s/^http:/https:/i;
    $r->url ($url);
  return Apache::DECLINED;

Which is great, but there is *no* $r->url. I know there is a $r->uri, but
how can I get to the whole ball of wax: from http://...? I can't find
it in the docs.

Aloha => Beau;

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