Title: RE: Trouble with sysread in modperl


        We are using Oracle 9iAS (internet application server), it's bundled with the mod_perl version 1.26 (Perl 5.005). I hope this version of mod_perl is okay to use since Oracle will not support if we just upgrade the mod_perl to another version after the installation.

        Thanks for the suggestion of read_multipart, I will ask our developers to try that out.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 11:14 PM
To: Liu, Hui (GXS)
Subject: Re: Trouble with sysread in modperl

Liu, Hui (GXS) wrote:
> Stas,
>         Does this mean read or sysread not work properly in mod_perl and
> we should stay away from the two functions if we write perl code to work
> with Apache server?

I haven't said that. I doubt so. It could be a bug in your code. I've suggested:

> I suggest that you look at the implementation of the function
> read_multipart()
> in CGI.pm, which does exactly what you want. (I see no reason why not using
> CGI.pm in first place if you can.)

Have you tried that?

Also I'm assuming that you are using mod_perl 1.x, right?

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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