Hi Dale,

> Assuming your CGI scripts aren't doing strange things, liking hanging
> around after the session has closed and doing clean-up work, you might
> check your httpd.conf settings on the number of threads and requests per
> threads.  Its possible that your httpd threads are short-lived and
> restarting more often which now requires a lot more work to start since
> Perl is being loaded each time - just an idea.
> MaxRequestsPerChild 1000        # if this were too low, say 10 or 50,
> you would probably create more load
> # If these were out of wack somehow, it could possibly create some
> # unusual
> load conditions
> MaxSpareServers 20
> MinSpareServers 5

I have this setting on my httpd.conf:
<IfModule prefork.c>
StartServers       8 
MinSpareServers    5
MaxSpareServers   20
ServerLimit      300 
MaxClients       300
MaxRequestsPerChild  1000

Any idea on how can I tweak this setting? 

> I would also run "top -d 1" while your webserver is running without
> mod_perl to see what scripts are causing the load.  Do you have a
> database running on the same system?  Do you know if it might be doing
> more work?

The database server is on another machine, but I think I should try to
preload DBI module, and see the result.

I just noticed that the load was going down after I restarted httpd. Is
this because of my scripts have bugs? I think I have some DBI connect
without disconnect in my scripts. I will try to fix this and see how is
the result.

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