Marc M. Adkins wrote:
I hope that this is the issue. Marc has failed to say that he is using
mp2/apache2, so I won't be surprised if this is yet another
problem introduced
by apache-2.0 (incompatible mod_dir behavior wrt apache-1.3). see
my recent
bug reports to the httpd-dev list.

Yah, yah, sorry, Apache 2.0.46 on W2K, ActiveState build 804 (Perl 5.8),
mod_perl/1.99_10-dev.  Postcards from the bleeding edge.

Wish I'd given more attention to your postings on httpd-dev.  I was thinking
this might be a bug and it might not...I'm not always sure what is
_supposed_ to happen.

You don't have to keep up with all those bloody^H^H^H^Heeding lists. The issue with Apache 2.0 is that it has totally changed the way it handles existing directories which also happen to be assigned to be handled by handlers. One thing I didn't try is replacing <Location > containers with <Directory >.

I haven't really delved into the specific issue you have asked about, so I might be talking about a totally irrelevant to your problem thing, that's why I haven't responded in first place, but just wanted to tell that 2.0 behavior "might" be different.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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