On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 14:35, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> Ryan Muldoon wrote:
> > Geoffrey,
> > 
> >     Thanks for the explanation.  Unfortunately, I think I am still a little
> > unclear as to how to proceed.  If I understand you correctly, my first
> > method is completely wrongheaded.  
> :)
> > (I tried this because it is how the
> > "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C" does it. p.327)  
> don't have my book handy to check that.
> > So it sounds
> > like the second way is the appropriate usage for subprocess_env().  But
> > it seems like you're saying that I shouldn't be using that at all.
> no, I wasn't saying that :)  subprocess_env() from the main request is the 
> right way to go.  I was just trying to let you know that it has nothing to 
> do with %ENV really.
Ok, cool.  Thanks for the clarification ;-)

> > Specifically, here is what I'd like to get out of the environment:
> > and things of that nature.  
> ok, those are definitely setup in the subprocess_env table according to the 
> code I just took a look at.  however...
> > According to mod_ssl's documentation, these
> > are put in ENV upon processing of a client certificate.  
> from what I can see, that's not entirely true.  they are set in 
> subprocess_env where they sit and wait, presumably for somebody else to call 
> add_cgi_vars since mod_ssl does not (but mod_cgi and mod_perl both do).
> the problem you're seeing is that these variables are setup during the fixup 
> phase, so in using a PerlAuthenHandler you're trying to see them too early.
> int ssl_hook_Fixup(request_rec *r)
> {
>      SSLSrvConfigRec *sc = mySrvConfig(r->server);
>      SSLDirConfigRec *dc = myDirConfig(r);
>      table *e = r->subprocess_env;
> ...
>      /*
>       * Annotate the SSI/CGI environment with standard SSL information
>       */
>      /* the always present HTTPS (=HTTP over SSL) flag! */
>      ap_table_set(e, "HTTPS", "on");
>      /* standard SSL environment variables */
>      if (dc->nOptions & SSL_OPT_STDENVVARS) {
>          for (i = 0; ssl_hook_Fixup_vars[i] != NULL; i++) {
>              var = (char *)ssl_hook_Fixup_vars[i];
>              val = ssl_var_lookup(r->pool, r->server, r->connection, r, var);
>              if (!strIsEmpty(val))
>                  ap_table_set(e, var, val);
>          }
>      }
> in other words, you're SOL from the current request.  perhaps this is why 
> the eagle book said to get them from a subrequest - presumably the 
> subrequest would have them, since it runs through the fixup phase and SSL 
> stuff is per-connection and not per-request.
Yeah, I think that was the motivation.  On the upside of my current
difficulty, I'm getting to learn a lot more about how apache does

> > Ideally, I'd
> > like to make which fields to extract configurable, so I don't want to
> > hard-code.  
> > 
> > Currently, I have
> > PerlPassEnv SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O
> > PerlPassEnv SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN
> > in my httpd.conf, but it doesn't seem to make any kind of difference.
> don't do that.  PerlPassEnv is for passing variables such as those from 
> /etc/profile to the %ENV of the Apache child processes.
Ok, removed.  Thank you very much for the in-depth replies.  It is very
useful.  Unfortunately any variable-reading continues to elude me.  But
I really appreciate all the help!


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