Marc M. Adkins wrote:
wrt Apache 2.0, mod_perl 2.0...

I'm not using Clone or Parent at the current time, but I was re-reading the
documentation on them for an unrelated reason and started thinking about how
they would work.

Suppose I want to set up five virtual hosts with modules A - E.  Then I want
to set up six virtual hosts with modules F - M.  The first five virtual
hosts can all share a pool of interpreters and the second six virtual hosts
can share a different pool of interpreters.

How might I declare two parent interpreters globally, one with modules A - E
and the other with modules F - M such that I could share a pool of
interpreters derived from the first parent with five virtual hosts and a
pool of interpreters derived the second parent with a different six virtual

This is all theoretical, I don't actually need this right now, and probably
won't ever.  Just trying to imagine how these options would be used.

Currently you can't do that. Each vhost can inherit from the base server perl, clone it or start a while new pool of interpreters.

However I think it is possible to make the architecture more flexible to allow pools sharing across specific vhosts, or even location containers (if the scope is set to be only for the handler). e.g. something like:

#base server

<TIPool A>
# parameters
<TIPool B>
# parameters

<VirtualHost ...>
PerlUseTiPool A
<VirtualHost ...>
PerlUseTiPool A

<VirtualHost ...>
PerlUseTiPool B
<VirtualHost ...>
PerlUseTiPool B

Of course we are talking about threaded mpms here.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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