Perrin Harkins wrote:
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 21:02, Stas Bekman wrote:

Paul Simon wrote:

So, according to the docs,,
using Apache::DBI doesn't do anything under
mp2+windows2000 ...

That's correct. Since Apache::DBI does per-process pooling, and apache 2.0 on winFU, runs one process with many threads. So Apache::DBI is useless there.

Wait a minute, it's only useless if DBI and DBD::Oracle are not thread
safe.  Do we know if that's true?

Yes, but:

mp2+winFU => winnt MPM => no forking, only threads => Apache::DBI is useless there. not only useless, but also wasteful, since it's going to do work that has no added value.

Of course I tell all that without ever using winFU, but I don't think this is a wrong assumption if the server doesn't fork.

Just to be clear, Apache::DBI stores database handles in globals, which
are not shared between threads.  This provides persistence.  DBI::Pool
is a more ambitious idea to allow the handles to be actually shared,
providing "pooling" as well as persistence.

Once DBI::Pool will be available, Apache::DBI may use it internally, or it may become obsolete altogether.

But since you are using Oracle, if I remember correctly DBD::Oracle provides an internal pooling support. I could be wrong, please check the docs.

It's called ora_dbh_share.  I haven't tried it yet, and probably won't
for a bit since I'm not using Oracle at the moment.

__________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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