Hmm, I see now. I don't really care about users who aren't logged in, so I don't know that there is a need to store session data for them.

I guess my pattern is:
within PerlAuthenHandler
-Check to see if there are passed user/password params. If so, validate params against user/pass in database. If the params are valid, create a new session key, store the session key in the database, and set a cookie with the user_id and session_key.

Isn't the session key unique? Why put both in the cookie?

Because my session table is indexed off the user_id. I know that it probably won't matter until I have something like 100+ nearly-simultaneous users, but I thought that it would be nice to plan ahead, just in case.

I guess what I am hearing is the good-ole Perl adage: tmtowtdi. I think that what I have both works and seems to fit my needs just fine, so I will stick with it, just wanted to make sure that it wasn't glaringly horrible for some reason. Thanks to all who chimed in.


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