I have a opportunity to upgrade and standardize a couple of mod_perl
enabled servers to the most stable configuration as of now. Apache 1.3
and mod_perl was easy to choose since it is a production environment.
What I am very much confused is to what should I chose for the
distribution. For various reasons it is certainly going to be RedHat
but I have a choice between the very well tested 7.3 but highly likely
to become unsupported by RedHat soon. Or I could go for RedHat 9.0 and
rollback perl to 5.6.1 - I dont like the idea of running a production
server on a maintenance snapshots of perl especially a .0 release. If
anyone has recently had the opportunity to make simillar decisions do
share what made him/her decide on whatever platform was chosen.

Also does the Native Posix Thread Library support in RedHat 9.0 have
any added benifit for mod_perl/my applications ?


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