Hi June,

JY - June Young said:

> with/without double quotes on the regexp. The print of the "dir after="
> shows that split correctly parsed the input string. The only difference
> is that the server dies upon global destruction?
> As a matter of fact, I am very confused by the error message of "global
> destruction". When does global destruction happen in mod_perl? Does my
> code causes server process die and then the process tries to do "global
> destruction" ? Or "global destruction" at some stage causes the process
> die. I thought mod_perl provide persistent environment, and no "global
> destruction" should happen until a process served enough requests and
> reached the end of lifecycle.

My understanding was that it happend with a child process exiting after it
hit its max requests .. of if you shutdown.  What I might try if you're
really curious is trying to run it through strace or truss (well your vms
equivs) with httpd -X, unless someone else can give you an immediate
answer, it often proved itself a useful approach.  Might give you an idea
of what is causing the process to die.

Last night's enthusiasm has worn off. :)

All the best.


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