Am Mit, 2003-06-25 um 17.26 schrieb Meik Hellmund:
> I tried to modify the Web agenda/calendar 
> chronos ( in such a way that everyone can 
> look at the calendar without authentication but changes need basic
> authentication. In other words, URLs like
>      http://.../chronos?action=showday&;....
> should go through without authentication and only if an URL like
>      http://.../chronos?action=editevent&;....
> is requested, basic authentication takes place.
> My question: Is this a good idea? Is there a better/more canonical way?

The canonical way is IMHO to use

Satisfy any

In this case, authentication is only required if the access control says
no. Then you have to configure a suitable Allow, Deny or write a


"... ein Geschlecht erfinderischer Zwerge, die fuer alles gemietet werden 
koennen."                            - Bertolt Brecht - Leben des Galilei 

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