On, or in the near vicinity of Mon, 14 Jul 2003 18:49:58 +0300
Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has thus written:

> Probably the best bet is to give it some cool unique name, like 
> Apache::AdiChat and then you are all set, since you are not going to take over
> any future framework/namespaces...

Well, I don't like that name, but I do get what you mean. ( I wouldn't want to
have any piece of software named after me... just my personal style.  Software
lives for too long, especially open source.  It would still be called that long
after I'm dead. )

What's wrong with "WebMessaging" ?  Do you foresee that interfering with some
future software in the Apache:: namespace, or is it just too generic?  I thought
it was a good name since it accurately describes what it is: not webmail, not
instant messaging, but web messaging.  (basically, it's like those message boxes
you get on a stock trading website when you login to your account)

Here are the possibilities:

  1 Apache::WebMessaging
  2 Apache::App::WebMessaging
  3 Apache::SomeOtherUniqueName (e.g. ServerMessaging, or UserMessaging, or

I personally prefer 1 or 2, so if there are no serious objections, I'll pick one
of those.  Let me know which you like the best.


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