Steve Hay wrote:

I've just spent quite a while tracking down a problem with a web page generated by a mod_perl program in which 8-bit ISO-8859-1 characters were not being shown properly. The software runs via Apache::Registry, and works fine under mod_cgi.

It turns out that the problem is due to a difference in behaviour between Perl's built-in print() function in Perl 5.8.0+ and the Apache->print() method that mod_perl overrides it with. I've consulted the documentation on the mod_perl website, and could find no mention of the difference. If my conclusions below are correct then this information may well be worth adding.

[the rest of the very detailed analysis has been snipped]

5.8.0 is a pretty new perl version, which provides the new functionality, and it seems that hardly anybody has been using the UTF stuff with mod_perl. So I suppose you are the first one to hit the problem. Certainly we need to update mod_perl to handle this correctly. Would you be interested to try to make Apache->print() do the right thing? If not, we should log it in the STATUS file and hopefully someone will have the time and inclination to solve it.

In any case a simple test that reproduces the problem will be needed.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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