Has anyone used the Memoize module extensively in a mod_perl environment?
I am thinking of using it to cache queries from the database, particularly
for lookups (somthing like $obj->get_name_from_id()).

In many cases the data is static so I don't mind is staying over from one
request to the next but I wanted to primarily use to limit the number of
queries per http request.  To keep the cache from growing (the website
receives 20 hit/min on average w/ 20,000 users) I wanted to either
implement a LRU/Expiration cache.  The other alternative I was considering
was to use a cleanup handler after every request.

I would like to know any experiences/thoughts anyone has had of using
Memoize in a mod_perl environment.

Memoize should work just fine under mod_perl. If you need to reset the cache between requests you should call its flush_cache() function. refer to its manpage for more info.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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