Jamie Krasnoo wrote:
What would be the best way to redirect in MP2? How would I set the
Location in the header?

not any different from mp1 (assuming that you have been working with mp1 before, but the mp1 documentation and literature can be used as a reference for most mp2 things).

something like this?

my $r = Apache->request;
# docs say $r->header_out and family are now deceased.

that's right. And $r->headers_out() is available in mp1 for several years and should be used in mp1 as well to easy the transition.

$r->headers_out(Location => '/some/place.html');
return Apache::DECLINED;

why DECLINED? just return Apache::OK.

I'm also not sure why do you use Apache->request, I assume you are inside a handler, not a registry script. Since if you are inside a registry script you don't need to return anything at all.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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