Hi everyone,

I am new to Apache/mod_perl and everything else. I bought a fairly good book on Apache/mysql/mod_perl. Unfortunately, it is based on the Apache 1 server and mod_perl1. In doing so, it is using the Apache::Request module which has not been ported to mod_perl2 yet.

Several questions come to mind:

Q1: Is there a similar module to Apache::Request? Similar to syntax that is.

Q2: Any real benefits to working on the latest and greatest? Or should I go to the older versions?

Yes, I realize that for Q2, I may want to simply go with the more "stable" versions of the Apache server and mod_perl as I am just learning, but I would like to hear some opinions. Thanks.


FYI: OS -> RH v8.0
 Apache -> v2.45
 mod_perl -> 1.99.09
 perl -> v5.8

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