On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 14:36, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 13:34, Collin Starkweather wrote:
> > The build goes just fine, Apache doesn't so much as utter a peep of
> > complaint, but when I try to get a web page, it seems Apache isn't
> > serving content correctly.  In Mozilla, accessing any web page results
> > in a recursive page reload until Mozilla finally dies with a "document
> > contains no data" message.
> You're not giving us much to go on.  Does it work without mod_fastcgi? 
> What does your config look like?  What's in the error log?  The basics
> for reporting problems are described on the mod_perl site.

Thanks!  I'll take a look at the reporting suggestions.  I've got
tcpdump output galore but was hoping it would be the kind of thing
someone would recognize as a common problem.  I'll send along more
detail if additional sleuthing doesn't turn up anything.

> > Has anyone had success (or failure) installing both mod_perl and
> > mod_fastcgi on the same instance?
> Yes, at least one person recently posted to the list saying that he was
> using both.

Thanks again!  I'll search the list archives.  Googling didn't turn up
anything helpful.



Collin Starkweather, Ph.D.        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Colorado                     Department of Economics

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