> http://server.domain.com/cgi-bin/MyProcedure.pl?cust_id=x
> I'd like to make a cron job to source the above PERL script as from
> the command line to resemble something like:
> perl /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/MyProcedure.pl   << need to pass the
> parameter here as cust_id=x 

I am very doubtful if running a mod_perl script from the commandline
would make any sense... There is no Apache:: in that context to name
something. You could do something tacky with Apache::FakeRequest, but
it's far better to write a proper, not web-tuned, script to do the
chore. Or use GET from the commandline with the uri behind it. This 
makes it a proper request to your webserver, issued from the command-
line (or crontab in this case).


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