In fact, I'm using 'killall httpd', which effectively kills every httpd
process. The drawback is that you need /proc available and that it may kill
httpd's belonging to another Apache.

But afrer all, you can always write awk script that would parse ps output
and do exactly what you want.


> One word of caution; killing just the parent httpd process will likely
> cause a lot of zombie processes since the parent process has died and
> will not be available to receive SIGCHLD. I don't have a solution, just
> thought I would offer a possible symptom to look out for.

> On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 12:38, Egor Shipovalov wrote:
> > Why not start the Apache from a shell script that would always start it
> > again if it dies?
> > To restart the Apache then, you'd just kill the root httpd with
> apachectl.
> > Killing the paernt shell script would terminate the whole operation.
> >
> > Egor.
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Dirk Lutzebaeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 1:17
> > > Subject: How to restart the root server from within modperl?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > how can I restart the root httpd server from within modperl? My
> > > problem is that when I call system() with say apachectl restart the
> > > father process is stopped killing the children including the apachectl
> > > itself. So it can't start of again. Can I call something like a reload
> > > of httpd.conf?
> > >
> > > Why I want to do this? I have a set of configurations and file links
> > > for different versions for my modperl application which I
> want to activate
> > > from the modperl application itself (having a HTML user interface).
> > >
> > > Thanks for help,
> > >
> > > Dirk
> --

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