
> e.g. I'd check the access_log to see whether it issues only one
request or
> more.
> Also make sure to debug in the single process (thread?) mode
(httpd -X)

I'll check those out this afternoon.

> It's possible that some of your code or the modules that you use
either misuse
> $^W or trap $SIG{__WARN__} which prevents from warnings to be printed.
> for these two things.

Remember - there's only the code I showed you. No other modules (other
than Template, strict and warnings which are use()d in index.cgi) and no
other code than the index.cgi I sent you.

So if on your side there are warnings and not on my side, with the same
code, then that's a problem too...

Now that I think of it, when I started testing mod_perl (back when my
code was not correct and I was fixing errors to make it work), I
remember that Apache::Reload didn't seem to want to reload my modules.
Even with the ReloadDebug variable on, nothing was ever printed to my
error_log saying that my modules were reloaded... So the warnings issue
could be related to this too.

This is my mod_perl section in httpd.conf, is there anything wrong with
it that would make these two things (PerlSwitches -wT and PerlModule
Apache::Reload) not work?

LoadModule  perl_module modules/
LoadFile    "D:/Perl/bin/perl58.dll"

PerlModule  Apache2
PerlModule  Apache::Reload
PerlSetEnv  SCRIPT_ROOT "D:/htdocs/test"
PerlRequire "D:/htdocs/"
PerlSetVar  ReloadAll   On
PerlSetVar  ReloadDebug On
PerlSwitches -wT

  # This is so that we don't have to run mod_perl CGI scripts from
  # location than the normal directories (DocumentRoot, etc)
  <Files ~ "\.cgi$">
     SetHandler perl-script

     PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
     Options +ExecCGI
     PerlOptions +ParseHeaders +GlobalRequest

     PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload




Jean-Sébastien Guay                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Developer, Hybride
Piedmont, Québec, Canada

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