I digged a bit further into the issue and found that there is a
"pure_install" target in the Makefile for mod_perl-1.28 that probably
fits better than the plain install target.

However this still installs file in outside the temporary build root, so
even a

% make pure_install PREFIX=/var/tmp/mod_perl-1.28/usr/something

still installs for example:

Files found in blib/arch: installing files in blib/lib into architecture
dependent library tree Installing

Correct would be to install it into the PREFIX defined above. So is that
the expected behaviour or is this a bug (in Makefile.PL)?


Am Fri, 22 Aug 2003 11:50:44 +0000 schrieb Udo Rader:

> hi all,
> for one of our webprojects I have to setup the typical
> apache1-mod_perl-mod_ssl httpd, which is not too difficult. Our sysadmin
> rules however require me to set this up as _one_ nice RPM package, which
> should not be too difficult either, but of course there has to be some
> problem.
> The entire apache1, mod_perl etc. stuff has to be generally prefixed by
> /usr/somedir.
> Prefixing is no problem, but I run into troubles when requiring to
> _temporarily_ install mod_perl to the RPM_BUILD_ROOT for later packaging
> (%install section inside the SPEC-file):
> I tried to do
> % PREFIX=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/somedir make install
> and
> % make PREFIX=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/somedir install
> ... but it completely ignores the (temporary) PREFIX for the
> installation.
> So are there any (make) switches to temporarily override the
> installation directory for mod_perl 1.2.x??
> Thanks
> Udo Rader

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