Am Sat, 23 Aug 2003 09:48:05 +0000 schrieb B. Fongo:
>       foreach (@table_data)
>       {
>            print qq(<td bgcolor='#d0d0d0'>$_</td>); # Here is line 42
>       }

as Frank already pointed out, your trouble is the uninitialized $_ value
you have in line 42 (which is exactly what the warning tells you, BTW).

the reason for this is very probably that @table_data contains items
that have not been initialized (=> they have no value, not even an
empty value assigned to them). @table_data is filled from
database, so _check your database_. I bet you will find "null" values in

if you don't want to output anything if the database delivers such a null
value simply replace your line 42 with

print qq(<td bgcolor='#d0d0d0'>$_</td>) if $_;

if you want to output an empty line for null values, then do as Frank

my $val=$_||'NULL'; print qq(<td DEFANGED_bgcolor="0#d0d0d0">$val</td>);

and no, this has definitively absolute nothing to do with mod_perl, thats
just expected and normal perl behaviour.

happy hacking


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