The code I've been using to handle cookies ate it's self when I start using ModPerl. I've set my script directory to PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun while I converts scripts.

I'm sending 3 cookies. The first one goes properly. The second two get print to the screen. Same script run under normal perl works fine. Suggestions?

Here the tester code I have for the cookies:

@cookies=('session_id', $sessionid, 'URL',$http_referer, 'COMMENT', $cooknot);

print "Content-type: text/html\n";
while( ($cookie,$value) = @cookies ) {

       print 'Set-Cookie: ' . $cookie . '=' . $value . ';';
       if ($Cookie_Exp_Date) {
           print ' expires=' . $Cookie_Exp_Date . ';';
       if ($Cookie_Path) {
           print ' path=' . $Cookie_Path . ';';
       if ($Cookie_Domain) {
           print ' domain=' . $Cookie_Domain . ';';
       if ($Secure_Cookie) {
           print ' secure';
       print "\n";
print "\n\n";
print "test";

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