At 19:47 -0500 11/19/03, James E Keenan wrote:
On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 09:57:08 -0600, Eric Wilhelm wrote:

Should I just put everything in a tarball and upload it to CPAN with the hope that someone else could write a makefile and test suite?

What happens when the auto-tester finds no tests?

At the risk of making the test mavens gag, you could upload a test suite that simply tests whether the object the module creates was constructed, i.e., a simple ok() on the constructor. This of course assumes the file is OO. If it's not, just run h2xs and use its test file which contains a single ok().

The minimal test-suite in my opinion does:

use Test::More tests => 2;
use_ok( 'module'); # checks for compile errors
can_ok( 'module',@subnames); # checks whether there's nothing missing from the API


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