At 07:25 -0500 2/5/04, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
i've been looking for this functionality but haven't [yet] found it,
so i'm thinking of providing it.  the questions are: a) is it
already there and ive just missed it, and b) if not, what namespace
should it be in?

the functionality in question is providing access to the names of
ascii (et alia?) control characters.  e.g., 0x01 (ctrl/a) is 'soh'
(start of header), 0x11 (ctrl/q) is 'xon', et cetera.

i'm inclined toward Text::Charnames[::ASCII] or the like.  any comments/

Wouldn't something like that be generateble from Encode? Or is already part of Encode?


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